Friday 26 August 2011

30 for 30!

I am going to do the 30 for 30 challenge!
I originally found the idea here at Itty Bitty Impact (possibly one of my most favourite blogs ever), and i loved the concept right from the start. the whole idea of the 30 for 30 challenge is to pick 30 items of clothing (not including accessories and under garments), and use only these items to mix and match your wardrobe for 30 days. Oh, and not buy A SINGLE new item of clothing either. Brilliant, hey?
Not only does it encourage you to really consider ways to reinvent the items already in your wardrobe, it also discourages spending on new stuff you probably don't need! (stuff that is often made by underpaid laborers, working in terrible conditions).
See what I mean, brilliant!
Now I've got to go through my wardrobe and pick the 30 items that I would die without.
I know my thongs will definitely make it in (for those of you who call them something different, that will probably sound odd. they're shoes), as will my denim short shorts (bring on spring!), and my leopard print knitted granny jumper (which is possibly the most worn item in my wardrobe, no kidding. it's cuter than it sounds), so that's 27 to go.
Tomorrow morning is dedicated to raiding my wardrobe and getting excited about all the outfits I'm going to get to plan!



  1. Good for you, Kimmy!! Good luck with the challenge!

  2. thanks tonia :) i have to say, the hardest part is having photos taken!
