Saturday 13 August 2011

life, love, and everything inbetween!

oh it has been some time since i have posted! apologies for my absence, but life happened, and consequently, blog did not. but i have returned, and with such huge news that all my indiscretions will be forgotten!

my man and i were headed for a quick (supposed) business trip to queensland, when we made a wrong turn off the highway, towards the Hunter Valley (for those of you not local, that's a beautiful, scenic winery/holiday getaway location about an hour north of me- soon to be us!!). me, being super intelligent and cluey, said "babe, you're going the wrong way!", to which there was a reply of a pair of furrowed eyebrows, a cheeky smirk and a "happy birthday baby" (my birthday was a few days beforehand, and my birthday present was supposed to be a surprise in QLD on the saturday night).


*insert sound of penny dropping*

yeah, i'm clever.

anyhow, we drove into the BEAUTIFUL hunter valley with me smiling and exclaiming at all the scenery and how i was totally surprised and what a beautiful birthday present and don't i have such a wonderful boyfriend. i asked "where are we staying?" and he'd booked an entire villa for the weekend for us! "but before we go there, there's somewhere else i want to take you".
at this point, i'll be honest, some little flags went up in the back of my head, but i was still overwhelmed by the initial surprise. we drove to the hunter valley gardens, and wandering around the beautiful gardens he took both my hands and my heart froze!
then my wonderful man went on bended knee and asked with quiet confidence "will you do me the honour of being my wife?"
i squeaked (in a cute but dignified manner) and stood there grinning like an idiot and mentally frozen, just taking in the moment, before putting him out of his patient misery with a nearly inaudible "yes".

and so, without further ado, i present,

(please excuse the not so pretty hand)

and this is where he proposed

but back to the ring! 

the main diamond is an australian diamond that was repurposed from an antique ring. the gold is also sourced from recycled jewelery as are the rest of the diamonds on the ring. as my man knows that being enviromentally friendly is key for me, it played a huge role in his ring choice, as well as juggling all my other not so obvious hints about what i wanted in an engagement ring (haha).
but he did a perfect job. i love it. it is elegent, beautiful, unique and massive (which i will shamelessly admit, is what i asked for!)

and now for the eco wedding planning to begin!

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