Wednesday 30 March 2011

crafty love (handmade gifts from the heart)

a cute little way to show your love with a thrifting gift!


i had the idea for this bottle of "my love" (the letters read: X MY LOVE) when i found the bottle in an op shop.
(my man thought it was the cutest thing ever when i gave him a bottle of my love to keep - yeah, i'm a sooky romantic when i want to be)

how did i make it?

1st: the letters were easy: cut out some letters from a piece of cardboard (from a used cereal box or something similar) and paint them, or you could cut them out of a magazine and stick them to cardboard for a bit of strength, then stick them to pegs.

2nd: the pegs are easily raidable from your parents laundry (my mum had heeaaaps), or if not, you can still buy wooden pegs out there at supermarkets, or get craft sized ones at arts and crafts stores (if the rest of the idea is eco, i'm sure we're forgiven for buying one thing new, as long as they're not plastic!).

3rd: the twine the letters are pegged onto and from around the top of the bottle came from under my kitchen sink.

4th: i measured out the string/twine, so that there was just enough to hang each end in the jar without touching the bottom, and wind around the neck a few times. then i pegged the letters to each end of the string and hung one end in the jar. i wound the middle of the string around the neck of the jar to provide a bit of an anchor to help hold the string the letters are hanging on in place, and then dropped the other end of the string in the jar so both ends were in. then i held the string in place with one hand as i screwed the lid on with the other.

now, a note to make this a little bit easier when screwing the jar lid on: try to have the string coming out of the bottle a little left of centre before you screw the jar lid on, because when you do, it drags the string with it as it turns. if you have the string a little left of centre and hold it tight, the lid should drag it straight as it turns right and tightens.

5th: tie a bit of extra twine in a bow around the lid to make it pretty.

and to finish; give it to someone you love!


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