Thursday 31 March 2011

natural body lovin'

this post is going to be about exactly what it says it's about, loving your body naturally! i will be trying out and posting about all kinds of natural remedies for everything from common ailments like cuts and bites, to specifics like a natural decongestant for a chesty cough.
(i've even got, not one, but three natural hangover cures lined up to try out, which of course means that because i am a thorough, fair and honest blogger, i'll tell you that i don't drink all that much anymore! so i will be testing them on my man. he doesn't know this yet, hehe)

but to start us off, let's look at a few general items...

what do you think they have in common?
three of them are common household items that have secret identities! the fourth, rose hip oil, has been gaining in main stream popularity over the past few years, and i thought i'd throw in in for good measure. i'll be looking at all four of these natural health goldmines over the next few days, but for now...

let's start with garlic, just because if it were a man, i would be having a love affair with it. i love garlic. i love the way it smells, i love the way it tastes, i love the way that it flavours other foods it's cooking with. but garlic has a secret, one that makes it all the more loveable: it is a natural medicine chest all by itself!
i know that sounds like a bold claim, but garlic has well known antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. seriously, stop and take a moment to really understand all those 'anti's coming from a single tiny little clove!
if you can stomach raw garlic, eat it if you feel a sore throat coming on, or mix it in with some honey and you've got a sucker punch of natural cold fighting power right there. cook with it often, and recent studies are suggesting that you will be helping to lower your risk of getting cancer while simultaneously aiding your cardiovascular health by keeping your arteries clean and clear (as a side note, i am a scientist when it comes to these kind of claims; i like to see cold hard proof, which is why i have underlined the word 'suggesting'. however, i truly believe that living as natural a lifestyle as possible, eating a diet focusing on unprocessed foods will take you much closer to being disease free than someone who does not. it only makes sense, our bodies are natural machines, they need natural fuel to run).
as a home remedy though, garlic is wonderful for it's cold fighting powers and it's antiseptic nature. rub the exposed face of a cut garlic clove on small cuts and grazes to keep them clean and germ free, naturally. plus, if you're any where near me, i'll probably want to make friends with you.

*as a bit of a disclaimer: i am not a doctor. this post is based around my own personal experience, and research that i have done, so please use it wisely and do not use it in lieu of professional medical advice.
ta :)


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