Wednesday 23 March 2011

The first green post.

Hi. Welcome to the first post on a blog that is going to be all about sustainable living, but in a way that won't have you feeling bad about the impact that every single car that drives past you is having on the environment.

While I would love to use this space to detail how it is possible for you to live as one with mother nature and still enjoy the freedom of using your mobile phone or other similarly un-environmentally friendly form of technology or lifestyle, sometimes it is not as practical (or affordable) to have the environmentally friendly version as a lot of us would like.

The plan for this blog is to fill it with handy tidbits of green living inspiration and information that is practical to incorporate into life as we know it without causing massive disruption or discomfort. It really doesn't take much to make a difference.

Although I would love to undo the degradation of this world, and change the consciousness of humanity into acceptance and love (as cheesy as that sounds, I truly believe that to love and to be loved are two of the most beautiful and important parts that can potentially found a full and happy life no matter who or where you are), it's a bit much to consider the task as a whole. So I'm starting with small steps. With a green living blog that has awesome little ideas to help anyone who wants to be just that little bit more eco, to feel just that little bit better about how they live their life with respect to their impact on our beautiful planet.
And all of this comes from my heart (hence the blog name), which I choose to follow because it hasn't led me wrong yet.
Oh, on one last note, I often don't use capitals because I am quaint and sometimes downright odd, so please do not be grammatically offended.
Love :)

*Post edit authors note: Due to my sporadic and wistful nature, the blog will also be playfully littered with (hopefully) interesting, and (I am aspiring to be) inspiring quotes, stories, photos, musings and anything else that catches my "this needs to be shared" eye.

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