so, how do you make an upcycled shopping bag from an old singlet top? (i found the original idea
here, at itty bitty impact). i've modified the plan a little to suit the singlet, and the style of bag i wanted.
so, to begin! i turned the singlet inside out and cut off the bottom hem.
i then turned the singlet back the right way (with the design on the outside) and folded the now un-hemmed bottom of the singlet back on itself two times.
to hold it all in place while i sewed it together, i pinned it.
i took a break mid-way, when help arrived.
i wanted a kind of rocky/grungy feel to the bag, so i hand stitched the bottom and had the stitching on the outside. this photo doesn't
really show it too well, but to start, so the end of the thread wasn't totally obvious, i pulled back the second fold then poked the needle through only one layer, just to start off.
and pull the needle through.
to keep with my theme, i wanted the stitching to be cute but rough, so i went with looping stitching.
i got excited as it started to look how i wanted it to :)
i finished the stitching the same way i started, with the end in between the two folds of the new bottom hem.
to add a bit of reinforcement to the stitching, i added a second row.
and finished it off with a few repeated loops at each end.
finished! :)

singlet bags first shopping trip!