Thursday 1 September 2011

crafty love!

two of my close friends are getting married tomorrow! i am so excited for them to be celebrating the love and commitment that i know they already share.
and they're actually doing it in a way that is so incredibly eco friendly in terms of weddings that i'm pretty sure it'd be hard to beat. they aren't having much of a ceremony to speak of. in fact, they sent out the invites via text message to the small group who are coming, they are both wearing clothes that they already own that have mutual significance in their relationship, and they are skipping the reception entirely! talk about the minimalist approach!
to continue with the intimate love theme, i decided to show my love for both of them, and my happiness about them sharing their love together, in a personal way. i made their card :) the best bit is that the majority of the materials i used were either friend throw aways, mum finds from her 2nd hand store, or things i'd hoarded from my op shopping excursions.

basically, i folded some heavy duty art paper to make a card sized piece, cut it off, and folded it in half to make the card itself. then i lightly sketched on my design in lead pencil. using water colour paints, i painted a stylised version of a black belt (odd design for a wedding card i know, but it has a lot of significance for these two), and then painted their initials in gold at the ends of the tied belt. to finish i wrote a short poem on the inside of the card that i think both of my friends will love :)
and voila! a totally unique, personalised card. so simple and quick, yet i know that they are both totally going to love it.


p.s. they LOVED it!!!! it even brought on another round of happy tears! (even i was crying, i love weddings!) 

p.p.s. THEY'RE GOING TO FRAME IT!!! oh my goodness! i feel so honoured!

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